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Our Frequently Asked Questions


There is no payment required to join Comfort ATL. However there are available pricing for production to have our crews film your business. If you require pricing for listings and/or production, email us at [email protected].


Adding your restaurant is easy. Visit our registration page and input the details that's required. If there's something unique you would like to add, contact our support department at [email protected]

General help

If you're having trouble logging in or you forgot your password, contact our support department below or email us at [email protected]. Allow up to 30 minutes for your account to be restored and reactivated.

National Directory

We're currently creating a platform to expand our platform nationally to feature black-owned restaurants. You can assist our efforts by contacting us at below.


If you wish to cancel your account or are having troubles with the deletion process, contact our support department at [email protected]. You will receive verification upon completion.


If you wish to remove a review, simply submit a Review Removal Form to our support department. Review removals are subject to our vetting process. Please allow up to 48hr for results.


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